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Wayfinders Society

Riverzedge Arts Wayfinders Society

Caring for our youth means turning our values into action, giving them the tools and training to build more sustainable futures for themselves and for our communities. That's why caring people like YOU are members of the Riverzedge Arts Wayfinders Society, a network of community leaders, arts patrons, and advocates helping our teens navigate today's challenges and forge a path to a more economically and culturally sustainable future.

YOUR monthly gift makes a lasting difference for the teens in our studios, helping us to offer paid promotions for exceptional youth and ongoing supports for our teens like:

  • Free food and hygiene products through our Youth Supply Center;

  • Access to tutors and licensed mental health counselors; and

  • Safe, free transportation home from the program.

AND by becoming a Wayfinder, you'll receive a welcome gift of a postcard and t-shirt created by the teens in our studios. Every quarter, you'll also receive an update on the impact YOUR giving has on our youth as well as an original print from one of our teen artists!

Become a Wayfinder today to help our teens find a way forward and to SHOW THEM THAT YOU CARE!